
Public Relations/Writing
Our public relations services will help clients build and create an image. We do this by writing biographies, press releases and by creating individualized campaigns that cater to the client. This service will help clients understand who they want to be and what audience they want to target.
$25 per page for written materials.
Campaigns are negotiable.

Media Coaching
Our media coaching techniques will help the artist prepare for interviews and deliver messages efficiently. We will teach you how to sell yourself and handle difficult questions professionally.

First we will get a better understanding of what you want the public to know about your brand and your target audience. Next we will help prepare you to deal with media outlets. We will do this by creating mock interviews. During this interview we will ask you media related questions and evaluate how you deliver messages. This will help you improve communication skills dealing with eye contact, body language and vocal delivery.
1 hour Media Coaching session: $50

Special Events
EnterMisses has helped with finding talent and organizing major events. Depending on what your needs are we can assist with planning, finding talent and organization on the day of event. We will work with all budgets.
Inquire with if interested in any services.